Inventory Control
With Channels, you can rest easy knowing that our smart stock synchronization technology will keep your inventory under control. Every time an item enters or leaves your warehouse, our ecommerce inventory management software will automatically update your stock levels across all sales channels.
Our user-friendly dashboard allows you to view all of your orders in one place and make changes in an instant, also enabling searches through your orders with filters to find the products you need. The regular sales data reports help to ensure that you can always stay on top of your inventory and make informed decisions about new and old products.

Intelligent Multichannel Stock Control
Our software provides a simple and easy-to-use platform that keeps track of your stock for you, so you don’t have to worry about juggling multiple channels’ sales. Your stock levels are constantly being updated with every sale, no matter where you sell. Product levels running low? We will send you a notification before you run out, allowing you to buy more in.
Support For Kits/Bundles/Groups
With Channels, making a bundle couldn’t be easier. Simply assign the products you would like to your kit, and we will give it its own SKU.
We offer support for kit mapping and variable kit item quantities, allowing you to expand the existing functionality of your current back-office system with support for kitting, without any costly development.
With Channels, making a bundle couldn’t be easier. Simply assign the products you would like to your kit, and we will give it its own SKU.
We offer support for kit mapping and variable kit item quantities, allowing you to expand the existing functionality of your current back-office system with support for kitting, without any costly development.

Keep Your Product Information Up-To-Date Across All Channels
Minimise the Risk of Overselling

SKU Mapping
Channels contains software that easily converts all altered SKUs back to the correct one for your system. This happens automatically, meaning all sales from all channels are quickly recorded and your stock is changed, no matter where you are selling your product.
Channel Grouping
With our channel grouping functionality, it is easy to maintain segregation between channels and also set up specific filtering rules per group.